Ambient Dimensions is an audio-visual installation. It offers an experience of a space where three unique ambiances are juxtaposed, and gives the observer the means to navigate between them. The means of navigation is the x position of the observer. The observer affects the observed space by moving and changing perspective.
The reflection and absorption properties of colors and rgb lights are utilized to juxtapose 3 paintings on one surface. This is why there are 3 ambiences, one for each monochromatic light color, red, green and blue. The sound, the light color, the brush strokes and abstract shapes of each ambience share an emotion and these elements make up the ambiences. Each of these ambiences also have a distinctive sound that can be heard from two speakers, one on the left and one on the right. The observers x position is tracked with a kinect IR camera and as the observer moves from one. ambience to another, say from left to right, they start hearing the sound of the ambience on their right from the speaker to their right while still hearing the left ambience from the speaker to their left. This also applies for the light color, a gradient between the left and right ambiences slides to the left as the observer moves right, until all the strip is in the color of the destination ambience.
This is a collaborative project realized by:
Sina Barlas
Begüm Çelik
Alp Recep Dayan